data cleansing

Planning your Machine Learning MVP

Planning your Machine Learning MVP

Testing is the most critical step of any successful machine learning project. It demonstrates whether your algorithms, weights, biases, and labels are correct or need to be improved. Read our white paper to learn the 10 critical steps to ensure successful testing of your machine learning application.

Only As Strong As Your Data: Using Feature Engineering to Build Robust AI

Only As Strong As Your Data: Using Feature Engineering to Build Robust AI

Garbage in, garbage out. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase before. It can apply to relationships, dieting, working out, job performance, you name it: in order to get the best results, you have to fully commit to the best practices. Sure, it may sound simplistic, but it’s also true for machine learning projects. The quality of your model’s predictive output will only be as good as the quality and focus of the data it receives.

Overcome Your AI Barriers

You have likely felt the buzz in the business community about artificial intelligence (AI) – how it is transforming every business process from sales and marketing to customer service and throughout the entire supply chain. But despite all the talk, only one in five executives have deployed an AI solution to support core aspects of their business. The best place to start is find the right partner who has the experience, team and confidence to overcome the barriers.