How AI Improves Usability to Drive More Revenue

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of today’s most exciting and versatile business tools. As Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai says, “AI is more important than fire and electricity.” One of the most useful ways it can enhance our daily workflows is by removing the need to repeat processes or struggle with tedious endeavors when our time could be better spent on higher-value tasks. We are seeing more AI infiltration every single day.

From self-driving cars to identity management and security, AI is a technology that has finally shown it is ready to solve big problems fast.  Today, AI has disrupted help desk operations by directing callers to the information or people they need. Many business processes are further automating by using AI to save time, improve processes and increase revenue.


Business As Usual?

Skeptics, may say that AI has not changed much about the way we do the things we do. The difference is in the way that we interact with the things we do and with the technology we use. AI and machine learning has simplified these interactions. It has freed up our time so that we can focus on more creative problem solving and higher-value work tasks.  

As the tools evolve, so too does our capacity to perform. The tools are so much better, so much more predictive and intuitive that soon, AI will deliver on its promise to truly augment our customer’s experiences.


Bridging the Gap Between Machine and Human

Up until a few short years ago, it was easy to tell that you were communicating with an AI when you called your bank. Today, it’s not quite as easy. The AI is more sensitive to languages, accents and nuances; therefore, it can understand your needs much more easily and keep a conversation flowing. It is responsive to moods and has the ability to escalate a situation if it senses distress.

IoT devices in retail settings are starting to leverage a similar technology in which the sensor can determine a shopper’s mood and send them offers and messaging based on that emotion.

These types of use cases may seem like fancy marketing initiatives, but in reality, AI has four valuable effects on usability:

  1. Engage the user and elicit an emotional response

  2. Provide valuable, actionable data to the business

  3. Drive revenue by encouraging sales while also reducing the time it takes an employee to achieve the same result

Today’s AI improves usability through the advancement of technologies such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning. Using sensors, cameras, and user-generated data, AI enabled applications can learn from our actions and solve problems by predicting our immediate needs.


AI Drives Revenue Through Scale

AI continues to optimize our daily tasks.  It produces an environment where not a moment of our time is wasted. Repetitive tasks are removed and customer recommendations are actually unique to a particular customer.  The continual mining of data inputs and refinement of algorithms allows us to deliver customized experiences for each customer, without manual intervention. It is as this point that companies can drive greater profits without increasing overhead.

AI has the chance to revolutionize how we interact with people, machines and technology in general. It is no wonder that Liquid Analytics feels the first place to start with AI by changing the way companies engage with customers.  From improving customer experiences, saving money by eliminating unnecessary activities, and increasing customer penetration, Liquid envisions driving profitable sales through increased AI interaction.

If you are just getting started or need some help to jump start your AI initiatives, contact me on LinkedIn

Lyn Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Liquid Analytics and a passionate advocate for innovation through AI, and how it enables today’s most successful brands.